Corporate Governance

Strong Governance for a Strong FHLBank Pittsburgh

FHLBank Pittsburgh believes that a wholly independent Board of Directors, supported by a seasoned and results-driven executive team and a staff of integrity, offers the greatest value to our membership and community partners. We invite you to review our Governance Principles and Standards, director election process, Code of Conduct and biographies of our organization's leaders, which are below.

Committees of the Board of Directors

The Governance and Public Policy Committee annually considers and recommends to the Board the membership of the various Committees and their Chairs and Vice Chairs. The Board reviews this recommendation and approves the Committee assignments.


Charter >
Mr. Brendan J. McGill, Chair
Ms. Louise M. Herrle, Vice Chair
Mr. Glenn R. Brooks
Mr. Romulo Diaz, Jr., Esq.
Mr. James V. Dionise
Ms. Angel L. Helm
Mr. Thomas H. Murphy
Dr. Howard B. Slaughter, Jr.
Ms. Jeane M. Vidoni


Charter >
Mr. James V. Dionise, Chair
Ms. Barbara Adams
Ms. Angel L. Helm
Ms. Blanche L. Jackson

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Charter >
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq., Chair
Ms. Blanche Jackson, Vice Chair
This is a committee of the whole Board of Directors.

Enterprise Risk Management

Charter >
Mr. Joseph W. Major, Vice Chair
This is a committee of the whole Board of Directors.


Charter >
Ms. Angel L. Helm, Chair
Mr. James V. Dionise, Vice Chair
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Thomas A. Hendry
Mr. Nathaniel S. Bonnell

Governance and Public Policy

Charter >
Dr. Howard B. Slaughter, Jr., Chair
Mr. Joseph W. Major, Vice Chair
Ms. Sheryl Jordan
Mr. Thomas H. Murphy

Human Resources

Charter >
Ms. Jeane M. Vidoni, Chair
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq., Vice Chair
Mr. Thomas A. Hendry
Ms. Sheryl Jordan
Mr. Joseph W. Major

Membership, Credit and Community Investment

Charter >
Mr. Glenn R. Brooks, Chair
Ms. Barbara Adams, Vice Chair
Ms. Blanche L. Jackson
Ms. Jeane Vidoni

Operational Risk

Charter >
Mr. Thomas H. Murphy, Chair
Mr. Glenn R. Brooks, Vice Chair
Mr. Nathaniel Bonnell
Dr. Howard B. Slaughter, Jr.

Profiles of the Board of Directors and Executive Management
Code of Business Conduct

Our Commitment to Integrity

Report Ethics Concerns to Our Ethics Hotline: 866-384-4277