Charter >
Mr. James V. Dionise, Chair
Ms. Barbara Adams
Ms. Angel L. Helm
Ms. Blanche L. Jackson
Charter >
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq., Chair
Ms. Blanche Jackson, Vice Chair
This is a committee of the whole Board of Directors.
Charter >
Mr. Joseph W. Major, Vice Chair
This is a committee of the whole Board of Directors.
Charter >
Ms. Angel L. Helm, Chair
Mr. James V. Dionise, Vice Chair
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Thomas A. Hendry
Mr. Nathaniel S. Bonnell
Charter >
Dr. Howard B. Slaughter, Jr., Chair
Mr. Joseph W. Major, Vice Chair
Ms. Sheryl Jordan
Mr. Thomas H. Murphy
Charter >
Ms. Jeane M. Vidoni, Chair
Mr. Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., Esq., Vice Chair
Mr. Thomas A. Hendry
Ms. Sheryl Jordan
Mr. Joseph W. Major
Charter >
Mr. Glenn R. Brooks, Chair
Ms. Barbara Adams, Vice Chair
Ms. Blanche L. Jackson
Ms. Jeane Vidoni
Charter >
Mr. Thomas H. Murphy, Chair
Mr. Glenn R. Brooks, Vice Chair
Mr. Nathaniel Bonnell
Dr. Howard B. Slaughter, Jr.