AHP Application Attachments

AHP Application Attachments

AHP 2024 Development Milestones

Required form for all applications.

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AHP Cost Reasonableness Guidelines

One-page overview of construction/rehabilitation cost reasonableness guidelines for the 2024 Affordable Housing Program funding round.

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AHP Feasibility Workbooks

Required Excel financial feasibility workbook for submitting an AHP application. Make sure to download the appropriate 2024 version of the workbook for your project type.

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Community Planning Form

Complete this form if the project is requesting Community Planning points under the Community Stability category.

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Developer Experience Form

Required form for all applications where the Sponsor is not the primary developer.

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Empowerment Memorandum of Understanding Form

Complete this form if the project is requesting Empowerment points. One form must be completed for each empowerment category.

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Fair Housing

Required for all applications. Affordable Housing Program form to attach on the Fair Housing page of the AHP Online application. This document will need to be signed and attached to the application.

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Preservation of Existing Subsidized Housing

Affordable Housing Program application attachment. Complete this form if the project is requesting Preservation of Existing Subsidized Housing points under the Community Stability category.

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Project Ownership Chart - Rental

Rental projects seeking Sponsorship by Nonprofit points must complete this form.

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Property Conveyance Form

Complete this form if the project aspires to obtain scoring points under Donated Property.

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